No matter what type of lawn you may have, it is easy to forget about it at this time of year.

With the falling temperatures and shorter days, you aren’t likely to be spending much time on your lawn. And winter means that you don’t need to give it the constant cutting and maintenance that the other three seasons of the year demand.

But that does not mean that you can completely neglect your lawn and expect it to stay healthy during the winter.

In fact, there are several things you can – and should – do to ensure a healthy and happy lawn come its resurgence in spring. With that in mind, let’s look at our winter lawn maintenance guide.


  1. Deal with those leaves!

There’s nothing so tedious as raking and/or blowing the leaves that pile up each fall. But do not give up and do not wait to get it done. Why? Because those leaves block out sunlight, hold in too much water and generally deprive your lawn of critical resources. And if you leave them in place for too long, they will literally choke off your lawn and lead to the spread of disease (thanks to the continued presence of moisture). You can try to mulch the leaves with your lawnmower – however, you need to make certain that the leaves are cut into tiny pieces if so. Frankly, you almost have to puree the leaves so that they do not deny your grass of nutrients. But if you can, the nutrients within the leaves will also act as a natural fertilizer for your lawn.


  1. Don’t walk on it too much

You can always tell when you walk on a certain part of your lawn more than others, as it depresses and bends the grass. However, the grass can rebound from that pressure during its active seasons. When it is dormant, continued traffic can much more easily damage and thin out your lawn. That also goes for any lawn furniture that might be in place. It is best just to allow your grass to rest as much as possible over the winter months.


  1. Be careful how you deal with ice

If you have grass next to your driveway or parking pad, you should be mindful of how you deal with any ice should you need to melt it. Chemicals and salts can hurt and even kill whatever part of the lawn they touch, so you’ll either need to remove it the old-fashioned way – shoveling – or by utilizing ice melting blends especially formulated not to hurt your lawn. These are available at home improvement stores.

You should also try to keep your lawn from being impacted by heavy snow or ice as much as possible. That is not usually a problem here in north Georgia. But it is something to keep in mind.


  1. Winter watering

Droughts are not just for summer. They can happen in the winter too. And even though your lawn is dormant it still needs an occasional drink. If we are amid a winter drought, please water your lawn. However, only do so on days above 40 degrees. And only do it every two-three weeks for 15-20 minutes at a time. This will not only prevent your grass from weakening or dying but also discourage the emergence of a recent pest: the clover mite. Tiny and red – often mistaken for a chigger – the clover mite loves dry ground and feeds on plants, especially turf close to buildings.


  1. Run maintenance on your lawncare equipment

Now that you’re not using your lawnmower, edger, blower, etc., this is a great time to perform routine maintenance on these tools. Clean them, change any filters, give them an oil change, sharpen blades, replace strings, etc., so that these tools are ready for full use once the spring kicks back into gear and you need them weekly. Or you can take them to a repair shop and have someone else handle the maintenance.

Don’t ignore your lawn this winter! Follow these simple steps, and you set yourself up for a great spring and grass that you can enjoy year-round.


If winter lawn care – or just lawn care in general – is getting to you, or you find yourself losing the battle to maintain a beautiful lawn (for whatever reason), perhaps it is time to consider letting a professional step in and lend a hand. Hughes Turf Management has years of experience in producing beautiful, manicured, and enjoyable lawns throughout north Georgia. We are always ready to take over full-service lawn care and ensure that your grass is both lush and healthy, and we can answer any questions that you might have concerning lawncare.

If you would like to learn more or talk with a representative with Hughes, please contact us today at 678-617-1962.